Afholdte arrangementer 2010 |
Mindfulness and addiction
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14. april 2010 kl. 10.00-16.00.
Dansk Psykolog Forening
Stockholmsgade 27
2100 København Ø.
Min. 10 - maks. 25 deltagere.
Alle interesserede er velkomne.
Deltagelse er gratis, men du skal selv sørge for din forplejning.
Der findes spisesteder i nærheden, som kan nås i frokostpausen.
Underviserens oplæg:
In this workshop we will explore how Mindfulness can support and nurture us in our work with addicted clients as well how to offer mindfulness techniques to our clients. The day will include guided meditations, short lectures and discussions.
Mindfulness is a skill that allows us to be less reactive to what is happening in the moment. It is a way of relating to all experience in such a way that our overall suffering is reduced and our sense of well-being increases.
The aim is not to free us from pain, but to relax with the struggle, relax with things as they are and to be at peace with ourselves in any given moment.
In addiction, people turn to drugs to escape from uncomfortable feelings and with mindfulness you learn to do the opposite. You sit with yourself, your thoughts and feelings instead of running away. You begin to see the subtle patterns and habits around your addictive behaviour. When you are aware of how they influence you, they have less hold over you.
Stephan Pende Wormland,
born 1965, studied and practiced meditation in different traditions since 25 years. He has a master in clinical psychology, trained in Gestalt therapy and worked in a mental hospital. He was a monk in the Tibetan tradition for 11 years and is teaching meditation in different Buddhist Centers in Europe. |


Mindfulness and addiction
sidst opdateret d. 14/04/2010 |
Annonceret d. 07/03/2010 |
1 |
christian gad
2 |
Eric Allouche
3 |
Bendt Skjold Hansen
4 |
Ragnar Gunnarsson
5 |
Britta Ellermann Jørgensen
6 |
Mette Toelberg Renner
7 |
Charlotte Houlberg
8 |
Maria Krøl
9 |
Stinne Mølgård
10 |
Annette Aronsø
11 |
Louise Harder
12 |
Mette Juul
13 |
Camilla Urhammer-Weltz
14 |
Johannes L. Knigge
15 |
Line Storgaard
16 |
Merete Hjorth
17 |
Anne Albinus
18 |
Tina Rathje
19 |
Helle Aagaard
20 |
Kirsten Kok
21 |
Lis Selander
22 |
Dorthe Carlsen
23 |
Susanne Lifschitz
24 |
Hanne Tøfting Stefansen
25 |
Gunhild Thalund Binderup
26 |
Inger Holm Linneberg
